2019 Great Lakes Area Ranger Tugs/Cutwater Boats Charlevoix Rendezvous
2019 Great Lakes Area Ranger Tugs/Cutwater Boats Charlevoix Rendezvous
Boats Arriving Early for the 2019 Charlevoix Rendezvous
Boating is fun! Guess that’s why it’s a popular recreational activity around coastal waters and inland lakes. If you are not joining in on a rendezvous during your boating adventures, you are missing out on a fantastic social, and informative (mechanical/technical/operational), opportunity. An organized rendezvous is not only a social event. Many times there will be dealers, factory service reps, engine service reps, and/or navigation reps on hand to address boat-specific, or accessory, issues. Topics discussed during scheduled presentations are of interest to any boater. We arrived early for the 2019 Charlevoix Rendezvous this year. There were already four boats docked on “D” dock.
Owners of Ranger Tugs and Cutwater Boats Have Rendezvous in the
Great Lakes, East Coast, South East, and the Pacific Northwest.
Fluid Motion started factory-sponsored rendezvous for their Ranger Tugs in the Puget Sound area in 2009. Now they are organized by owners, in those areas previously mentioned, and supported by the factory. It helps that many of those owners now tow their boats cross-country to explore new cruising opportunities and expand their social and mechanical/technical skills. Being a boat owner of any brand allows joining in on the fun. If you can’t find an existing group for your type of boat consider creating one.
Check out some of our previous RENDEZVOUS
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Just gathering at the dock (Charlevoix City Marina) with early participants the night before the start of a rendezvous, is cause for celebratory cheers and camaraderie at the marina.
I’m interested in hearing why Jim and Lisa Favor decided to move from a R27 to a R29? Is the trailering issues a lot tougher because of the “wide load, state laws and transport issues?”
What are the pros and cons of the R29?
Ps, I’m thinking of purchasing a Ranger Tugs29 CB.
Thank you.
We changed from a 27 to the 29 as we felt it was best for us at the time. We also have 2 grandchildren and wanted a little more room for when they are on the boat with us. The wide load permits needed are either DIY or pay a permit company to get for you. Either way you have an expense, less so if you do it yourself. Permits are also for a specific period of time, 5 to 10 days typically. With that said you don’t have as much freedom moving your wide load boat as you would with an 8’6” wide one. One is or can be limited on days of travel based on a states rules, weather n holiday rules sometimes need to be checked out. With all that said we’ve really not had any problems.
Pros, great boat and factory support. Cons would be easier battery access but that’s not a major thing. We had a CB on a prior non RT boat and never used it. Great for coming into a new marina or for happy hour social stuff….. for us. Unless you know for sure this is what you want (CB) give it serious thought as the addition adds maybe an unnecessary expense to your purchase. If it’s what you really want then it does not matter.
Jim F