Blackfin Resort and Marina, Marathon, Florida, is an island paradise and a welcome slice…

Torch Lake – Kismet Likes to Anchor Here
Torch Lake has lots of fond memories for Lisa and me. We each boated here before we were married and began our boating adventures together on this lake. We used to trailer our 21-foot Four Winns Sundowner to Torch Lake to spend long weekends on the hook, but since our mode of boating has changed over the last fifteen years it’s been a long time since we’ve been able to bring one of our boats to any inland lake. We kind of like the flexibility we are now enjoying with our Ranger Tug, Kismet.
Torch Lake is named, not for its shape, but for the practice of local native Americas, from the Ojibwa Tribe, who used torches at night to attract fish
Torch Lake, Michigan – A Boating Paradise
After we squeaked under the Torch River Bridge and entered the lake we did a slow cruise around the lower perimeter of the lake passing by our friend Gene’s house on the east side of the lake not far from Clam River. We called ahead of time to see if he was home and since he doesn’t have a dock, we said we’d just buzz by so that he could have a glimpse of the new Kismet.
After seeing Gene we headed back across the lake to the west shoreline where we used to anchor many years ago. There used to be a little point adjacent to a large farm and we remembered how it stretched out along the water and made the perfect secluded place for us to anchor. It was just as we remembered, but now has more cottages lining the shoreline. We threw the hook out and settled in for a peaceful night on perfectly still water.
We’ve boated in a lot of water, all over the United States, Canada, and even the Bahamas, but the crystal clear water in Torch Lake continues to amaze us to this day. There aren’t many anchorages where you can actually see your anchor stuck into the lakebed under your boat.
The next morning we were like little kids on Christmas morning getting up early to have coffee on the back deck to enjoy our million-dollar view. Our friends, Jim and Cindy were out for a boat ride and knowing we were anchored out here this weekend found us and stopped to say hi and to also extend an invitation for dinner at their cottage that night.
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