Blackfin Resort and Marina, Marathon, Florida, is an island paradise and a welcome slice…

Party Time While Anchoring in Port Madison Bay – Puget Sound, Washington
Party Time While Anchoring in Port Madison Bay – Puget Sound, Washington
We Love Anchoring in Port Madison Bay –
Port Madison Bay is a quiet inlet off Bainbridge Island, on the northeast part of the island. Bainbridge Island sits northwest of Seattle across Puget Sound. We are making our way from the San Juan Islands to South Sound. Anchoring in Port Madison Bay was a simple decision for us. We love it, it is well-protected and scenic, and anchoring in the bay is always peaceful.
Because of social distancing, we have been anchoring out a lot. We have everything we need on the boat to keep us occupied. After fifteen years of either living on or spending half the year cruising away from home, we’ve got this down.
Tonight Was “Party” Night!
Every once in a while, when things get a little hum-drum on the boat, one of us (truthfully, it’s usually me) announces we should have a party to get out of a funk, from too much togetherness. Being so close all the time, we tend to create our own little bubbles and disconnect a little. So, we’ll put on, and turn up, some music, pour a beverage, cook something special, but easy, and spend the evening playing games and connecting with each other. Except for an occasional Facetime with close family, no social distractions, to interfere with our special time together. There is no rule that you have to have other people around to have a good time – is there?
The parties are always a fun time and will do the trick in maintaining the intimacy important in any relationship. So there you have it, some insider information. We get asked this a lot – How do you coexist on a small boat when confined for days with just your partner?
It was one of those special nights when the clouds were puffy like cotton tufts.
So, we’re wondering whose Ranger Tug that is (bottom-right)?
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