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Chatterbox Falls

World Famous Chatterbox Falls

1. Jervis Inlet to Malibu Rapids
2. Transiting Malibu Rapids to Gain Access to Princess Louisa Inlet and Chatterbox Falls
3. Princess Louisa Inlet Provincial Marine Park – The Inner Sanctum
4. Chatterbox Falls… Hear it Roar!
5. Walking and Exploring Around Chatterbox Falls
6. Better Vantage Point of the Falls from Princess Louisa Inlet
7. Dinghy Ride to Malibu Club for Ice Cream
8. Last Night Docking – Chatterbox Falls
9. Leaving Chatterbox Falls, Princess Louisa Inlet and Jervis Inlet Behind
10. The Storm in Malaspina Straight
11. Jervis Inlet – Deepest Fjord in BC
12. Princess Louisa Inlet Took Our Breaths Away!
13. World Famous Chatterbox Falls
14. People We Met at Chatterbox Falls
15. Stopping at Powell River to Provision

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Three Years Since We Last Visited Chatterbox Falls

It could have been last week or three years ago, it doesn’t seem to matter as it relates to our return to Chatterbox Falls – it felt like revisiting an old friend. Seems like we were just at the falls, but in reality, it’s been a full three years since we last visited.

Early on, we decided to stay for four days. During that time we met and talked with other boaters, had a bonfire in the pavilion, walked to the falls over and over again, took a short hike to a little waterfall, and dinghied around the base of the falls. Basically, we were just trying to absorb our surroundings. At one point, just after dinner the first night, it started to rain lightly, not unusual for the PNW, but what followed was unusual – thunder and lightning. We’re used to this in Michigan but not in the PNW and definitely not at the base of a mountain range. It sounded eerie as thunder echoed throughout Princes Louisa Inlet.

Giving the Chatterbox Falls her due

One interesting thing we observed this time while docked at Chatterbox Falls was surprising to us. Many boats come in to hurriedly check out the falls only to either leave the same day or early the next. We are not talking about the tour boats or float planes, ones that bring visitors for a short visit and then leave. Trawlers and sailboats quickly came and went. It surprised us greatly that the spirit of Princess Louisa didn’t grab hold of them as it had us. It seemed to beg us to linger to soak up the experience for at least a few days. At the very least the 48-plus-mile trek to the falls seems to command us to give her its due.

Four days and nights immersed in some of Canada’s most pristine natural beauty. Time spent at the dock was peaceful and extremely relaxing. We had no drinkable water (there are water spigots interspersed on the dock, it must be boiled before consuming), no electronic connectivity, save our inverter and generator, no cell or internet, and of course, no TV signal. It felt great to be out of the loop, stress-free, with no worries or cares other than wondering whether it is going to rain or not.

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We met the crew of Adelante, a classic 42′ old wood built-in 1929 by the Grandy Boat Company.

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