Looking for a Worthy Boat to Take On the Great Loop Adventure? We received a…

Kismet Goes Into Storage Until After the Holidays
It was a fun trip but sometimes good things must come to a… temporary halt (I was about to say END but heaven forbid that our boating lifestyle would end when it just seems to have started). Before we headed out west we had made arrangements with the RV Park Palace, in Chattanooga, to store our boat there while we went home to enjoy the holidays with family and friends. We had a good feeling about this place just from talking with Tim Aslinger.
We drove into the RV Park Palace’s compound and prepared to store Kismet. Then we watched as they drove her inside a very clean and organized storage facility. Tim and staff all assured us that what we had learned during our research of the facility about the security and any maintenance issues would be up to our expectations.
During our inspection of the trailer and boat outside, this nail was discovered in one of the trailer tires. We arranged with Tim to have it fixed ASAP after we left.
We both felt Kismet would be in good hands during our absence and we know we can count on Tim (below) to have her ready for us when we return after the holidays.
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