Blackfin Resort and Marina, Marathon, Florida, is an island paradise and a welcome slice…

Outfitting the Boat in Des Moines, Washington
Outfitting the Boat in Des Moines, Washington
Des Moines, Washington for Ten Days —
When you buy a Ranger Tugs boat, Des Moines is one place you would take delivery. It is a great location to become familiar with your new boat and load your belongings. Outfitting the boat is easy, being close to shopping, motels, restaurants, etc. Ranger Tugs is generous with its dock space during this process.
We took advantage of the proximity to shopping to outfit the boat with items such as storage containers, bedding, and miscellaneous items we could not plan for until we took possession of the boat. Many items needed to be measured and used before we could shop for them.
Jim and I stayed at the marina in Des Moines for about ten days. Before we knew it, we were driving the boat over to the boat lift to haul it out and load it onto the trailer. This is the second time we’ve taken delivery of a tug in Des Moines, so the process was familiar to us. (They did not have this set-up when we bought our Ranger Tugs R27, in 2011.)
We had spent the last day or two provisioning for our trip to Florida. We will be boaterhoming once we are on the road and are in warmer weather, using the boat as an RV, while towing, first south, to get to warmer weather, then east to our winter home-port of Fort Myers, Florida.
Kismet is snug in her trailer and raring to go, we are too. One more time we say goodbye to the Pacific Northwest.
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