Blackfin Resort and Marina, Marathon, Florida, is an island paradise and a welcome slice…

Pink Dinghy at Coast Hotel and Marina
Pink Dinghy at Coast Hotel and Marina
Why Would You Want a Pink Dinghy? –
We love the marina life in Victoria, BC. Not long after we arrived at Coast Victoria Harbourside Hotel & Marina, we noticed that we rarely saw the other boaters wintering at this marina in their small boats, but when we got a really nice, warm, sunny day, everybody was outside on the docks either visiting or working on boat projects. On one of those days, I met Paul, a sailor who was on the dock with a table saw making a dodger for his sailboat. I was admiring his old wooden pink dinghy (photo below) and remarked that I didn’t think I’d ever seen a pink dinghy before. Apparently, his thinking is that most dinghy robbers are men and no man would want a pink wood dinghy. I like your thinking, Paul!
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