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Stopping at Powell River to Provision

1. Jervis Inlet to Malibu Rapids
2. Transiting Malibu Rapids to Gain Access to Princess Louisa Inlet and Chatterbox Falls
3. Princess Louisa Inlet Provincial Marine Park – The Inner Sanctum
4. Chatterbox Falls… Hear it Roar!
5. Walking and Exploring Around Chatterbox Falls
6. Better Vantage Point of the Falls from Princess Louisa Inlet
7. Dinghy Ride to Malibu Club for Ice Cream
8. Last Night Docking – Chatterbox Falls
9. Leaving Chatterbox Falls, Princess Louisa Inlet and Jervis Inlet Behind
10. The Storm in Malaspina Straight
11. Jervis Inlet – Deepest Fjord in BC
12. Princess Louisa Inlet Took Our Breaths Away!
13. World Famous Chatterbox Falls
14. People We Met at Chatterbox Falls
15. Stopping at Powell River to Provision

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Powell River – Great Place to Provision –

After only four days spent at Chatterbox Falls, you wouldn’t think we’d have to provision again so soon. Since our mode of transportation is walking from grocery stores with our shopping bags, we can only cart so much stuff back to the boat. It will be harder and more expensive to grocery shop in Desolation Sound, so we always stop at grocery stores when we can and stock up on important items such as beer and chocolate. Sometimes the grocery stores offer to drive us back to the marina, and we almost always take them up on the offer, unless we don’t need much or need the exercise.

We also needed to take care of some business while in Powell River. We’ll be visiting a copy shop, the post office, a used book store, and, of course, the grocery store. Shoe shopping is on the list, Jim is looking for new sandals because his old ones finally gave out.

Connectivity is sometimes a problem when cruising in British Columbia.

Soon we’ll be in the heart of Desolation Sound and all connectivity will be limited if not nil. We think we will occasionally get a cellular signal, but probably in and out. We’ll only be able to get WiFi when at marinas, if then. When it comes to TV, we are completely out of the loop. No news for us – maybe a blessing right now. Occasionally, when we have internet and check a news site, it seems there is one terrorist attack after another, killing and destruction all around – people shooting people or blowing things and people up. Hard to believe the world is in such a state when we are surrounded by so much natural beauty in British Columbia.

Time to unplug and relax!

In all our cruising adventures, this is by far the most remote boating we have ever done – Desolation Sound and the Broughtons. So we are downloading books on our iPads to read and it is a nice change of pace, we needed that. Don’t think we’ve read this much in quite some time. We did, however, come up with the idea to visit some used bookstores and resale stores to pick up old DVDs for rainy days. This is when playing the three games we brought and reading gets to be too much. So far we’ve been able to buy a bunch at just about every marina stop. We also take the viewed ones with us the next time we find a store that sells them (and there are a lot of old, used DVDs available out there), and we can often exchange some for others either an even exchange or at a minimal cost.

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Powell River has a beautiful waterfront trail that runs along the harbour. It’s a long walk from transient dockage to the marina office, showers, laundry, and town, but a very nice trail through a grassy shoreline makes it enjoyable.

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Did you ever read the book, Curve of Time, by M. Wylie Blanchet? A good read before, or during, a cruise through Desolation Sound. Here is a big workboat with

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Looks like Jim is considering buying this old boat that sits for sale in Powell River!

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Here was another interesting boat we saw docked at Powell River. Have never seen a boat like this.

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