Blackfin Resort and Marina, Marathon, Florida, is an island paradise and a welcome slice…

Better Vantage Point of the Falls from Princess Louisa Inlet
Better Vantage Point of the Falls from Princess Louisa Inlet
Because of the recent rain there were falls all over Princess Louisa Inlet when we first got there.
While out in Princess Louisa Inlet, exploring by dinghy at high tide, we idled in as close to the falls as we dared. Waterfall mist soaked us as we floated over the seabed we had walked on earlier that day. We were also able to get a better vantage point of the waterfall in it’s entirety as we got farther away from the dock. We found that using our dinghy to explore was the best way to get to know the inlet. We could stop and pull it out of the water onto some rock and walk up into the woods. We could also get close to the rock walls to investigate the flora and fauna.
For those so inclined, anchoring in front of the falls is possible, providing the best viewing of the falls because you are out in front of it. In any case if you arrive and the dock is full, you may want to set your anchor in front of the falls while you are waiting.
The falls (above) were created by the heavy rains we have been experiencing of late. If you’re interested in some scenic property, there’s a lot for sale (below).
These painted circles mark a stake and rope a boater can tie their stern off of to anchor more securely. There are only a few of these around the park.
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