Gig Harbor for a Pre-Christmas Cruise – The weather was iffy most days during our…

Saying Goodbye is Hard to Do!

The reality of Life Does Not Stop When You Board a Boat
and Take Off for Ports Unknown –
The real world will eventually catch up and find us. Such is what happened during our 2017 Puget Sound cruise. My brother, Ken Targal passed away after a long battle with cancer – too soon. We took a time out and flew back to Michigan to be with family for a few days.
Ken was a boater, he loved to be on the water as much as Jim and I do. We were raised on summer visits to a family cottage on Lake Huron where our family had at least five boats of varying sizes. Ken lived in the water during the summer and loved the sunfish and hydroplane in our menagerie of boats. He later moved on to speed boats. He was in his element when he was with his family out on the water, boating. He was an amazing, loving soul and we will all miss him terribly.
So, we’ve stepped back a bit during this cruise, as the grief, especially after also losing my mother only five months ago, has been at times overwhelming for me. I don’t know of a better place to heal than near the peace we feel when on the water.
We’ve been taking photos and collecting our thoughts (there are many) about our time spent in the Pacific Northwest and will begin to share again soon, we promise.

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