Blackfin Resort and Marina, Marathon, Florida, is an island paradise and a welcome slice…

Tenedos Bay to Anchor for Hike to Unwin Lake
Tenedos Bay to Anchor for Hike to Unwin Lake
Tenedos Bay is Located on the Mainland Side
of Desolation Sound – East of Mink Island
After two windy days at the dock in Heriot Bay, it was nice to have a calm water day for our 27-mile run to Tenedos Bay. The location of the bay is on the mainland side of Desolation Sound, to the east of Mink Island. Having anchored in Tenedos Bay previously, we thought we’d like to try a different spot. First, we slowly cruised the perimeter of the anchorage on the opposing side of the bay. Staying to the right after entering the bay instead of to the left where we previously anchored. There were two protected coves that looked appealing, but they already had boats anchored there. Leaving not much room for another.
Desolation Sound is starting to get busy now (July). When we arrived in June there weren’t many boaters here and finding a good position was fairly easy. We ended up in the same spot as before after exhausting options for something new. It was a good site nonetheless.
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As we finally rounded the corner into the dog-leg cove familiar to us, our eyes lit up to see the sailboat Spirit. She was already nestled into an area close to where we planned to anchor. We first met Pauline and Ed in June at Chatterbox Falls and again at Grace Cove. It was our turn to host a happy hour on our boat. We wanted to hear more about their cruising adventures. The crew of Spirit hails from Victoria, BC. They have been boating in the PNW all their lives. Pauline and Ed have some fascinating tales of off-shore cruising south to Mexico.
Never miss an opportunity to chat with other boaters!
We have learned so much about boating by simply listening to other boaters. This is a valuable opportunity to gain knowledge about different cruising styles, destinations, and lifestyle choices. We are always looking for inspiration. Ed and Pauline are those kinds of sailors. Every time we bump into this couple, we feel their relaxed easy-going personalities. They exude a sold confidence and friendly spirit with their cruising style. We always enjoyed their company and felt enriched after every encounter. Pauline shared with us all their favorite anchorages in Desolation Sound. We heard about Heriot Bay from the crew of Spirit. They said it was the best spot to provision during a stay in Desolation Sound. They are right!
The next day we dinghied over to the beach where the trailhead to Unwin Lake is found. Some of the more popular anchorages in Desolation Sound will feature a freshwater mountain lake. Many are within walking distance of the anchorage area. The hike from Tenedos Bay to Unwin Lake is short and beautiful. Picture this… a quiet, still hike through a mossy thick forest, over fallen logs. Soon into the hike, you’ll encounter a rushing, spring water stream, dancing and singing over mossy logs and rocks. Finally, it will wind around and find its way through the woods and out to the bay.
Imagine this… no houses, no boats, only a steady breeze, and muffled laughter and conversation sounds of other hikers.
The trail leads to a big freshwater mountain lake. Imagine this… no houses, no boats, only a steady breeze and the sounds of other hikers nearby. We sat on a log jam (it looked like someone had tried to fashion a float out of it) on the water for well over an hour taking in the majestic mountain backdrop. Eventually, we took a dip in the clear, fresh water. One can’t help but think about how this setting likely looks the same today as it did 200 years ago. Sitting on the rocks, snacking on apples, while soaking up the warm sunny day made for a great afternoon of precious peace and quiet. We were both happy to be able to share this experience with each other.
No words were needed, we just listened as the wilderness spoke to us.
Later, back at the boat – the late-day arrival of a 52-ft. boat made for some entertainment during happy hour, on the back deck of Kismet. The crew worked exhaustingly for well over an hour trying to anchor and stern tie to shore. While trying to mitigate a comedy of errors, the crew tried and tried again to anchor. Fortunately, all ended well, with the crew happily celebrating in the galley just before night settled in.
We find our entertainment where we can while cruising in the wilds. We also completely sympathize with some of the inherent frustration associated with anchoring. We’ve all been there at one time or another.
[…] near Otter Island. There is already someone moored in the slot so we go further along to Tenedos Bay, a favorite stop but one usually crowded with sail an motor boats anchoring in its sheltered […]