North Channel Rendezvous – Two Presentations and a Pizza Party
North Channel Rendezvous – Two Presentations and a Pizza Party
Ranger Tugs North Channel Rendezvous Last Day!
On the last day Roy Eaton, from the LCCN, gave a wonderful PowerPoint presentation at the Anchor Inn Bar, an overview of Georgian Bay and the North Channel highlighting some of the history and many popular anchorages.
Later, back at the pavilion, we gathered for a presentation by Mark Coles (above), of Boating Georgian Bay, who gave a geological and historical overview of Georgian Bay. Mark also spent the afternoon photographing and video-taping Ranger Tug owners for a piece he was doing on the Boating Georgian Bay’s website.
Later in the afternoon, we had a boat crawl. It’s always interesting to see what additions, improvements, and/or enhancements others have made to their boats. I came away with a cave area, a storage shelf, an idea I saw on Mike and Jess’s boat, Illusions. Lisa liked a spice rack (above-left) that was hand built by Randy and Cindy on, I Think I Can., she also liked their Yorkie (above-right).
A delicious lunch was again served by Kelly from the Anchor Inn (above-left). Annie, on Gentle Lady, was beaming ear to ear, she must have had a good time.
The Rendezvous concluded on the evening of the third day with a pizza party in the pavilion followed by a lot of lively conversation about the fun we all had, with most boaters sharing their future cruising plans with each other.
Mike and Jess on Illusions (above).
Pauline and Ken on Shipperly (above).
Gregg and Kathy on Santolina (above).
Dwain and Jackie on Lydia (above).
We were so excited to finally meet Jean and Ken, on Puddle Duck (above-Left), at this rendezvous. We’d heard their story and read articles on their late-in-life boating adventures. Their story is inspirational, they know how to live a life that’s for sure. Joining them as crew on Puddle Duck, during their cruise to the rendezvous, is the well-known Captain Patti Moore (above right), from Sea Sense Boating School.
Puddle Duck – Maiden Voyage
Greg, on Tug R Knott II (above) with Jim from Lefroy Harbor Marine.
Dave and Donna on Bucket List (above).
Mark, on Irish Mist (above) with Carolyn, on Pour House.
Harry, on Pour House with Jodie, on Irish Mist (above).
Kenny from Ranger Tugs and Ryan from Lefroy Harbor Marine (above).
Dave, on Sequel (above) with daughter and granddaughter.
Chris, on Sequel (above) with grandson.
Randy, on I Think I Can with Mike, on Illusions (above).
Wayne and Anne on Sine Wave (above) with Cindy, on I Think I Can. Mike and Jess always seem to be ready for a photo and they sure know how to smile.
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