2017 Ranger Tugs Cutwater Boats Factory Rendezvous
2017 Ranger Tugs Cutwater Boats Factory Rendezvous
Taking delivery of our new Ranger Tug R29S a few weeks ago also meant we’d be in the Pacific Northwest to attend another noteworthy 2017 Ranger Tugs Cutwater Boats Factory Rendezvous – THE WORLD’S LARGEST BOAT RENDEZVOUS! With 190 boats and approximately 400 people, in attendance, this is quite an accomplishment.
Seems like we were just in Roche Harbor for the 2016 rendezvous, while we had our boat in the PNW for 12 months. At the time, we didn’t have a clue that we’d be here again so soon. Just shows… a lot can happen in a year. We had so much fun in 2016, we couldn’t wait to cruise up to the San Juan Islands from Des Moines, where we took possession of our new boat in mid-August. We made so many friendships last year, we couldn’t wait to catch up with them and their boating adventures. In addition, we looked forward to creating many new connections within this friendly community of boaters.
The three-day rendezvous is chock full of activities, events, seminars, and feasts.
Besides the nightly happy hours and dinners, sponsored by Global Marine Insurance, Garmin, Sea Magazine, Roche Harbor Marine, and Volvo Penta, there were daily activities available to participate in or just observe. Activities at the event included a scavenger hunt, crabbing seminar, crabbing and fishing derby, corn-hole competition, USCG safety inspections, and blindfold dingy race. There were the best costume and decorated boat awards given for the efforts made to play on Jimmy Buffett’s “Cruise to Margaritaville” theme. Attendees also had the opportunity to sign up to have techs on hand to visit their boat to address any questions and/or perform any warranty work.
Understandably, most of the attendees at the rendezvous are from Washington State and British Columbia. Being from Michigan we’ve never felt out of the loop, always easy to fit in with this crowd. When visiting the Pacific Northwest with our boat, we’ve always tried to take advantage of the Factory-sponsored events during the summer, and there are several. The season starts off with a get-together at Point’s North Seminar, Poet’s Cove Cruise in BC, followed by Desolation Sound Cruise and a Cutwater Cruise – culminating with this Factory Rendezvous in the San Juan Islands. Because of Fluid Motion, we’ve come to make many friends in this expansive boating community.
Some of the boaters we’ve met out here we’ve also boated within the Great Lakes, River System, and Florida. Trailering our boat around the country not only leads to expanding our horizons but our boating community as well. Many are now trailering their boats out east to do the Great Loop.
When we think of home, we think of a community of family and friends.
We’ve come to the conclusion that the PNW is our second home. We think that’s due to the people we have met here in the PNW. Friendlier people you will never meet. I think we feel this way to a large degree because of how Fluid Motion fosters camaraderie among their owner’s group. They support their owners’ group in many ways – It is quite evident to us that the Factory wants their owners to get out there and “boat,” by offering support in many ways. A company philosophy one cannot help but admire.
2017 Ranger Tugs Cutwater Boats Factory Rendezvous
There was a huge crowd at the Volvo Penta Care & Maintenance Seminar on the first day (above).
A few of us took advantage of the 20% off coupon included in the registration bag. The coupon was good at all the stores in town. We had a fun time shopping.
Our Facebook group, Ranger Tugettes found time to get together, in town, before the first night’s Welcome Party. It was fun to put faces to some of the names in the group and to meet other women Tugettes.
A big “Welcome” happy hour and dinner the first night at the bocce ball courts.
Ollie did really well-catching crabs during the Crabbing/Fishing Tournament (above left). Barry helped Jim fly the drone over the event (above-right).
We entered the Corn Hole tournament but only made it to the second round.
Free Beer anyone?
It’s just a short walk from the marina to the beach where two of the big party events take place.
The second night featured a couple of roasted pigs.
Pre-made, or do-it-yourself, Smores. Yum!
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