Cayo Costa State Park – Birds of a Feather Flock Together
Cayo Costa State Park – Birds of a Feather Flock Together
Flotilla Cruise, Shark’s Teeth and Happy Hour on Heart Tug – Cayo Costa State Park
Mike Rizzo had organized a post-rendezvous flotilla to Cayo Costa State Park for a one-night group anchor event, about a dozen boats participated. First, after anchoring, most of us dinghied to shore and the entrance of the park where we caught a buggy ride to the beach – we all seemed to be on a hunt for shark teeth. Later that evening everyone was invited to Heart Tug for happy hour. Now, this seemed to concern a few of us because, although Heart Tug is one of the bigger tugs, a 31, we were just wondering how everyone was going to fit on the boat at one time and not sink it. To our best recollection, there were 22 or 23 people at the happy hour. We had to be careful of how we moved around and certainly we couldn’t all go to one side of the boat to get a better look at something in the water. I am happy to report we pulled it off and consequently think Heart Tug now holds the all-time record for how many people are on a Ranger tug at the same time.
We lined up to get on the shuttle to the beach at Cayo Costa State Park.
Birds of a Feather Flock Together. . .
That was us today as we all “flocked together” at the Cayo Costa anchorage enjoying happy hour on Heart Tug. Those who had dinghies shuttled those who did not over to the party. It was a bit hard to maneuver around the tug, but we managed to do it very carefully. It was also mentioned that we should not all go to one side of the boat, at the same time, to look at something, that would have been a disaster.
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