Day Three – North Channel Presentation, Boat Crawl and Pizza Party
Day Three – North Channel Presentation, Boat Crawl and Pizza Party
Day three began with another broadcast of the Little Current Cruisers’ Net at the Anchor Inn for those who missed it on Monday. Jim and several other Tugnuts went back and helped Roy log in the names of vessels calling in.
We were also very fortunate to have another North Channel Presentation, again this year by Roy Eaton.
Thanks, Roy!
After the North Channel Presentation, we had another fabulous creation for lunch, by Kelly and the Anchor Inn. Lunch was followed by a boat crawl. We all opened up our boats so that we could take a look/see at what improvements, changes, or additions we made to the interiors or exteriors of our boats. This is a very helpful event for all the Tugnuts in attendance. Storage has got to be one of the most burning issues on our Ranger Tugs and I have to say some people get very creative on finding extra storage space. We always take photos of things other Tugnuts do to their boats for future reference.
One of the additions I found of interest on Evolve was this unique set-up for a stern-tie line spool. It can be mounted when needed or disassembled for storage when stern-tying is not an issue. Nice work, Tom!
As much as I enjoyed the helpful additions during the boat crawl, I have to say my favorite stop was on Irish Mist, where I (and everyone else) was treated to a shot of Irish Mist. Thanks, Mark!
This year again, we ended the festivities with a simple pizza party. It took 11 pizzas to satisfy this hungry crowd.
The weather was still a little stormy, flipping back and forth from sunshine to stormy clouds all day long. Everyone was busy tonight getting their boats ready to head out on the water or road Wednesday morning. Although we talked about all anchoring together at Haywood Island, we seemed to all be going in different directions. We needed to trailer Kismet to head home on Wednesday and others had similar agendas, although a few boats did meet at the Benjamin Islands for at least one night.
We couldn’t have asked for a better group of people for the North Channel Rendezvous. Thanks, everyone for coming to Little Current to join in the festivities!
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