Blackfin Resort and Marina, Marathon, Florida, is an island paradise and a welcome slice…

Arriving at Harbour Cay Club
We are ultimately on our way to Key West but we’re stopping in Marathon for a week to visit with a group of Looper friends who are staying at Sombrero Dockside. Last year when we brought a friend’s boat down to Key West for him we found out about this little boat club on the Florida Bay side of the island, we stayed a few days and really liked it. So, back in January, we checked into the possibility of securing a slip for a week in late February. Our chances looked good since a few members would be traveling which would leave a few slips available.
This tiki hut is called “The Cone of Knowledge” by the residents of this little boat club. Within minutes of docking, the welcoming committee made sure to inform us of the daily tradition of cocktails and conversation at 4 o’clock under the hut.
My friend Diane pointed out this pod (above-right) on a banana tree over by Sombrero Dockside. I’ve never seen how bananas look as they grow on a tree. This flower-type pod is called a banana heart. Fascinating!
Wish we had a photo of all the boaters in the club who welcomed us into our slip. Unfortunately, we were too busy tying up to have taken one but we have to tell you the owners of this club are a friendly group of boaters.
Jim looks like he’s losing at Domino tonight.
Harbour Cay Club has one of the nicest boater’s lounges we’ve ever been to. very comfortable with a full kitchen. I imagine they have some great parties here.
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