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Social Distancing

Social Distancing Aspect of Cruising During the Pandemic

Social Distancing on Kismet This Summer – This summer’s cruise feels unique. Because of the pandemic, we are not forcing schedules to meet up with many people. There are no rendezvous to attend – all canceled this year. The social aspect of cruising has been a little different, leaving us feeling a little out of our element. The upside is we have been so relaxed with the simple day-to-day existence of floating on our little island of a boat, Kismet. We’ve been cooking, eating, playing games, and walking more than ever before. It is a good life without the daily,…

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Some Boaters Catch Seafood, We Pick Blackberries – LaConner, WA

Our First Blackberry Haul of the Season Was in LaConner –  LaConner is a quaint little town on Swinomish Channel, we often take this route when on our way to or from Anacortes/Puget Sound. The channel is well-protected and scenic but, has a wicked current. Not a local boater, but the village of LaConner has the best shopping for boaters visiting the town dock. Unfortunately, we’re not doing too much shopping this year, but we have been window shopping and sometimes get take-out orders from local restaurants. We love to walk around LaConner, up the hills, and into the neighborhood…

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Unexpected Crab Surprise and a Reunion in Anacortes, WA

Before Heading to Seattle and South Sound, We Stopped in Anacortes for Maintenance Chores and Visit with a Friend – Our return trip to Anacortes was just a quick stop to meet a friend, do laundry, get a pump-out, fill up tanks and get groceries and mail. We were busy during our two-day stay. When we leave Anacortes, we will point Kismet’s bow south, towards Seattle and South Puget Sound. Our itinerary this summer is very loose, having us decide every day if we stay one more night somewhere or skip a spot altogether. I like this kind of cruise.…

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Hunter Bay

A Lot of Happy Crabbers in Hunter Bay – San Juan Islands, WA

We’d heard a lot about Hunter Bay from other Tuggers – Hunter Bay is a big open anchorage, not too far from Anacortes. According to reports from local boaters, it’s an excellent spot for crabbing. On our way back to the mainland for a marina stop in Anacortes, before we head to South Sound, we stopped for two nights in Hunter Bay. We had fun watching the dinghies, and small boats, zip back and forth to their crab pots to set or pull in their catches. A lot of happy crabbers in Hunter Bay! We had recently met Bruce and…

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English Camp

English Camp and A Beautiful English Garden – Garrison Bay

English Camp – A Fun Shore Visit When Anchoring in Garrison Bay – While cruising in the San Juan Islands, we always try to make a stop to anchor in Garrison Bay. It’s close to Roche Harbor and is scenic with several hiking trails beyond the historic English Camp. The trail to Westcott Bay and the Westcott Bay Shellfish Company is an easy walk through gnarly treed woods and moss-covered rocks. For those looking for a more challenging hike, there is a trail that meanders up the hill beyond the camp. From there you can take in a stunning overlook…

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Passagemaker Magazine

By Land And Sea – PASSAGEMAKER MAGAZINE – September 2020 Issue

By Land and Sea – Downsizing to a trailerable boat afforded us more options for where and when we would cruise. Using the boat as a “Boaterhome,” on long road trips between ports, provided the solution to a real lifestyle revolution for the crew of Kismet. Passagemaker Article PDF link Check out Passagemaker Magazine for more articles on the cruising lifestyle. Written for boaters, by boaters.

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String of One-night Stands

String of One-Night Stands – Victim & Rebel Islands, Lopez Island, Parks Bay

The next two days included stops at Victim & Rebel Islands, Lopez Island, and Parks Bay – We like to call it a String of One-Night Stands. Usually, this means we are stopping somewhere en route to our destination. Typically, these are not marine parks, so usually no dock or mooring balls to catch, just an option to anchor off private property. There may sometimes be a beach, at low tide,  for walking dogs. On our way back to Friday Harbor, from Jones Island, we first stopped at Victim and Rebel Islands for a one-night stay on the hook. A lovely spot, providing excellent…

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Jones Island

Jones Island – Entertainment Away from the Madding Crowd

Jones Island is another Washington Marine State Park – On the recommendation of another boater, we picked Jones Island for a three-day stay, the time limit allotted to boaters at most of these marine parks. We chose the cove on the north side of the island, it’s the one with a boat dock. As luck would have it, there was space for us at the end of the dock. The benefits of having a smaller boat! We grabbed it and spent three days exploring the island and relaxing on the boat. Great trails around the west side of the island…

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Friday Harbor

Port of Friday Harbor – the Heart of the San Juan Islands

Port of Friday Harbor – Where Friday Begins – Going into the Port of Friday Harbor for a few days means several things for the crew of Kismet. Our arrival is followed by a list of chores we need to take care of while on land. Since we are usually anchoring or docking at marine parks for several weeks at a time, not only do we need to pump out and fill up the water tank, but two weeks of laundry can be quite a daunting task. Besides emptying and filling tanks, we also need to wash the boat, restock the cupboards,…

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Stuart Island

Prevost Harbor for the Holiday Weekend – Stuart Island

Fourth of July Weekend in Prevost Harbor – the San Juan Islands – We arrived at Stuart Island early in the morning, choosing Prevost Harbor over Reid Harbor for our 3-day stay. The last time we were in the San Juan Islands, we anchored in Reid Harbor. Although at that time, we anchored only one night in Prevost Harbor; it was a means to an end. We were positioning ourselves to cross the border to North Pender Island, Canada, in 2016. Poets Cove – Ranger Tugs/Cutwater Boats Cruise. As luck would have it, there was space at the dock when we arrived in the…

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Sucia Island

Kismet Visits Popular Fossil Bay on Sucia Island – San Juan Islands

Sucia Island – First Time Catching a Mooring Ball in Fossil Bay – Sucia Island, a San Juan favorite of ours, has everything I mentioned in the last post about amenities we find attractive when cruising for lengthy periods of time. The island has four anchorages; Fossil Bay, Fox Cove, Echo Bay, and Shallow Bay, where cruisers can overnight. The popular Fossil Bay has two docks and several mooring balls, or you can go, rogue, and anchor, where there is room. Over the years, we have anchored in all but Echo Bay. There are many trails for hiking on this…

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Eagle Harbor

Eagle Harbor, A Popular Spot On Cypress Island – San Juan Islands

We Picked Cypress Island as Our First Stop in the San Juan Islands – Jim and I are ready to begin our summer’s cruising adventure in the Pacific Northwest, we left Anacortes after three days of launching, provisioning, and organizing. On our first day out, we pointed Kismet’s bow toward Cypress Island, in the San Juan Islands. We have cruised the San Juan’s many times over the years, in three different boats. We have many favorite anchorages and marinas to revisit. However, as you have probably read many times on our blog; we like to mix the old favorites with…

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Kismet’s Road Trip Comes to an End in Anacortes, Washington

We afforded ourselves a two-night break near the end of Kismet's road trip to visit friends, Patti and Eric, in Sand Point, Idaho. We camped in our boat at Travel America Park and visited our friends for an amazing dinner at their cabin on Lake Pend Oreille, only a few miles away. The next night they joined us at the campground for snacks, brats, and salad. When we left Sand Point the next morning, we drove from our campground to Tulalip, WA, and spent the last night on the boat, out of the water, in a parking lot at the Tulalip…

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Trailering Kismet Across Country During Covid-19

Jim is driving, and I am writing this blog post, the first one in quite a while. We are in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, taking Route 2 west as we begin our trek to Washington State. We hope the Canadian border will open while we are out there so we can cruise up to British Columbia. Ideally, we’d like to explore more of the Broughton Islands. We missed going to Florida this year, as we were helping our son, Ross’ family move to Michigan from Portland, OR. Well worth staying home to spend five months with our daughter-in-law, Sarah, and our two…

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Summer Cruise to Canada’s North Channel – Launching at Detour, MI

Crossing The Mackinaw Bridge to Get to Detour – One of our favorite places to cruise in the Great Lakes area is Canada’s North Channel. We have traveled there by both cruising and trailering. When we had bigger boats, we would cruise from Charlevoix, off Lake Michigan, to the northern shores of the North Channel to begin our chosen route. We'd cruised all the way to Killarney most times. Since 2012, we have been trailering our Ranger Tugs, both the 27 and the 29 to either Spanish, Ontario, or Little Current to launch and explore. This year we put in…

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Family Boating – The Next Generation Takes the Helm

Boating Provided Great Memories for Our Family – When our three sons were barely teenagers, Jim and I bought our first boat together. The configurations and possibilities seemed endless when we started our search for a used boat for our family. I had one requirement, it had to have a v-berth for overnighters. It didn’t take long to settle on a used, red (of course), 21-ft. Four Winns Sundowner. We did a lot with that boat on Grand Traverse Bay; the boys loved to ski and swim behind the boat. We even did a few overnighters with them at local festivals. Jim…

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Great Lakes Rendezvous

2019 Great Lakes Area Rendezvous – Day Three

Day three of the rendezvous was the most fun of all! – This is the day when everyone is better acquainted, more relaxed, and in the groove. We’ve seen people make lasting friendships at these rendezvous. Owners all have a lot in common and it’s more than just our tugs. People who enjoy boating, as we do, seem to share similar traits, the adventure-seeking, nature-loving kind. The last full day of the rendezvous began with coffee on the dock followed by a slow dinghy ride around the perimeter of Round Lake and around Park Island, a small island near the…

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2019 Great Lakes Area Rendezvous

2019 Great Lakes Area Rendezvous – Day Two

2019 Great Lakes Area Rendezvous-Day Two – Day two of the 2019 Great Lakes Area Rendezvous started with a full breakfast, sponsored by Global Marine Insurance, at Scovies Gourmet restaurant in downtown Charlevoix. Eric, the Scovies manager, worked with Jim to provide a wholesome breakfast for our group. We had two presentations on the second day of the rendezvous following breakfast. First, Ben Belyea, Senior Marine Underwriter, of Global Marine Insurance talked about the products Global Marine offers to boaters, followed by a Q&A. Next, Kevin Lamont, Service Representative for Fluid Motion, talked about their customer service goals, and future…

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2019 Charlevoix Rendezvous

2019 Great Lakes Area Rendezvous – Day One

Great Lakes Area Rendezvous Was in Full-Swing Today – The docks filled up fairly fast on the first day of the rendezvous. One after the other Ranger Tugs and Cutwaters Boats rolled in all day long. A colorful mix of colors, shapes and sizes lined up on “D” dock creating quite a spectacle. By the end of the day, after many were tucked in remaining spaces or rafted off other tugs to create more room, the dock was full of Ranger Tugs and Cutwater Boats. Lots of activity on the dock as boats arrived with everyone helping to guide them…

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Charlevoix Rendezvous

2019 Great Lakes Area Ranger Tugs/Cutwater Boats Charlevoix Rendezvous

Boats Arriving Early for the 2019 Charlevoix Rendezvous Boating is fun! Guess that’s why it’s a popular recreational activity around coastal waters and inland lakes. If you are not joining in on a rendezvous during your boating adventures, you are missing out on a fantastic social, and informative (mechanical/technical/operational), opportunity. An organized rendezvous is not only a social event. Many times there will be dealers, factory service reps, engine service reps, and/or navigation reps on hand to address boat-specific, or accessory, issues. Topics discussed during scheduled presentations are of interest to any boater. We arrived early for the 2019 Charlevoix…

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Trailering Kismet at Hawkesbury, Ontario

From Orillia to Hawkesbury – Time to Go Home! – As our trip through Canada’s historic waterways came to a close, the weather chilled up a bit from the hot, humid days we had most of the trip, a signal it was time to go home. We had a full week exploring Montreal, Québec, one of the most interesting cities we’ve cruised to date. Touring Montreal took us back in time, they don’t build over historic sites; they repair and preserve, honoring their ancestor’s vision. As our last few days, at the Yacht Club Montreal, approached, our thoughts turned to the…

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Hello Montreal! – Quebec, Canada

Montreal – The End of Our Trent Severn Waterway, Rideau Canal Cruise – Named after Mount Royal, the centrally located hill with three distinctive peaks, Montreal was originally called Ville-Marie, or “The City of Mary,” The city is in the southwest quadrant of Quebec on the Island of Montreal. Many of the buildings, in Old Montreal, dating back to the 17th century, and some, back to the late 16th century. The final approach to the Montreal Yacht Club was a little dicey with a strong cross-current tossing us around like a little toy boat. I am thinking this resulted from the city being…

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Saint Lawrence River

Short Trip Through Two Big Shipping Locks On the Saint Lawrence River

Hard to Believe, in All Our Boating Experiences, We Had Never Cruised On the Saint Lawrence River –  That was about to change after we left the quaint Quebec town of Saint-Ann-de-Bellevue. On our last day cruising to Montreal, we would encounter two huge international shipping locks on the Saint Lawrence River, Cote Sainte Catherine, and Saint-Lambert. These are the first of two locks on the eastern end of the impressive Saint Lawrence Seaway. Over 50 nations, use the Seaway ports in the United States and Canada. Although this last leg of our cruise to Montreal was short in miles,…

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Saint-Ann-de-Bellevue – Take a Promenade Along the Waterfront

Saint-Ann-de-Bellevue Sits at the Confluence of Two Impressive Rivers, Saint Lawrence and Ottawa – The last stop, before our arrival in Montreal, is the second oldest community on the Island of Montreal, Saint-Ann-de-Bellevue. Founded in the early 1700s, this small town has all the charm you would expect and hope to encounter just short of Montreal. No gimmicky tourist traps here, only quaint shops, pubs, and restaurants. The town has a very European feel with a French flair. A good place to relax before we hit the big metropolis of Montreal. We stopped here twice. It was our last stop before…

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Baie des Atocas

Baie des Atocas Anchorage – Ottawa River

Ottawa to Baie Des Atocas for a One-Night Anchor –  Leaving Ottawa and the Rideau Canal behind us, we continued on the last leg of our trip via the Ottawa River – a major tributary of the St. Lawrence River. Once we left the flight of eight locks in Ottawa, Kismet and crew emerged into the wide expanse of the Ottawa River. Our cruise started in the province of Ontario and proceeded on to the province of Québec. Jim broke the distance, of our last few days of cruising from Ottawa to Montreal, almost in thirds by first choosing a well-protected…

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