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Des Moines

Outfitting the Boat in Des Moines, Washington

Des Moines, Washington for Ten Days — When you buy a Ranger Tugs boat, Des Moines is one place you would take delivery. It is a great location to become familiar with your new boat and load your belongings. Outfitting the boat is easy, being close to shopping, motels, restaurants, etc. Ranger Tugs is generous with its dock space during this process. We took advantage of the proximity to shopping to outfit the boat with items such as storage containers, bedding, and miscellaneous items we could not plan for until we took possession of the boat. Many items needed to…

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Gig Harbor

Gig Harbor, WA – A Brief Trip to One of Our Favorites

Gig Harbor for a Pre-Christmas Cruise – The weather was iffy most days during our stay at the marina in Des Moines. However, we found a nice weather window to cruise to one of our favorite spots in South Sound, Gig Harbor. We took a three-day excursion to test out the boat and relax a little in Gig Harbor’s scenic location. We stayed at the town’s public dock, a magnificent spot, down from a city park. Downtown, restaurants, and shopping were all just a short walk from our boat. Arriving before the Christmas holiday, we were fortunate to be there…

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Blackberry Pie

Sweet As Blackberry Pie – Blake Island, Puget Sound

Itching to make some blackberry pie! We stopped at a few of our favorite spots as we worked our way south on Puget Sound. Port Madison was first, then we headed for Blake Island, always a favorite for the crew on Kismet. We are still on our way through Puget Sound to spend some time in South Sound. A new favorite for Jim and me. Blake Island sits across from Seattle. It always surprises us to find slips available when we arrive. Today was no different, It was busy, and we had to jockey a few minutes for one boat…

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Port Madison Anchor

Party Time While Anchoring in Port Madison Bay – Puget Sound, Washington

We Love Anchoring in Port Madison Bay –  Port Madison Bay is a quiet inlet off Bainbridge Island, on the northeast part of the island. Bainbridge Island sits northwest of Seattle across Puget Sound. We are making our way from the San Juan Islands to South Sound. Anchoring in Port Madison Bay was a simple decision for us. We love it, it is well-protected and scenic, and anchoring in the bay is always peaceful. Because of social distancing, we have been anchoring out a lot. We have everything we need on the boat to keep us occupied. After fifteen years…

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Social Distancing

Social Distancing Aspect of Cruising During the Pandemic

Social Distancing on Kismet This Summer – This summer’s cruise feels unique. Because of the pandemic, we are not forcing schedules to meet up with many people. There are no rendezvous to attend – all canceled this year. The social aspect of cruising has been a little different, leaving us feeling a little out of our element. The upside is we have been so relaxed with the simple day-to-day existence of floating on our little island of a boat, Kismet. We’ve been cooking, eating, playing games, and walking more than ever before. It is a good life without the daily,…

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Some Boaters Catch Seafood, We Pick Blackberries – LaConner, WA

Our First Blackberry Haul of the Season Was in LaConner –  LaConner is a quaint little town on Swinomish Channel, we often take this route when on our way to or from Anacortes/Puget Sound. The channel is well-protected and scenic but, has a wicked current. Not a local boater, but the village of LaConner has the best shopping for boaters visiting the town dock. Unfortunately, we’re not doing too much shopping this year, but we have been window shopping and sometimes get take-out orders from local restaurants. We love to walk around LaConner, up the hills, and into the neighborhood…

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Unexpected Crab Surprise and a Reunion in Anacortes, WA

Before Heading to Seattle and South Sound, We Stopped in Anacortes for Maintenance Chores and Visit with a Friend – Our return trip to Anacortes was just a quick stop to meet a friend, do laundry, get a pump-out, fill up tanks and get groceries and mail. We were busy during our two-day stay. When we leave Anacortes, we will point Kismet’s bow south, towards Seattle and South Puget Sound. Our itinerary this summer is very loose, having us decide every day if we stay one more night somewhere or skip a spot altogether. I like this kind of cruise.…

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Hunter Bay

A Lot of Happy Crabbers in Hunter Bay – San Juan Islands, WA

We’d heard a lot about Hunter Bay from other Tuggers – Hunter Bay is a big open anchorage, not too far from Anacortes. According to reports from local boaters, it’s an excellent spot for crabbing. On our way back to the mainland for a marina stop in Anacortes, before we head to South Sound, we stopped for two nights in Hunter Bay. We had fun watching the dinghies, and small boats, zip back and forth to their crab pots to set or pull in their catches. A lot of happy crabbers in Hunter Bay! We had recently met Bruce and…

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English Camp

English Camp and A Beautiful English Garden – Garrison Bay

English Camp – A Fun Shore Visit When Anchoring in Garrison Bay – While cruising in the San Juan Islands, we always try to make a stop to anchor in Garrison Bay. It’s close to Roche Harbor and is scenic with several hiking trails beyond the historic English Camp. The trail to Westcott Bay and the Westcott Bay Shellfish Company is an easy walk through gnarly treed woods and moss-covered rocks. For those looking for a more challenging hike, there is a trail that meanders up the hill beyond the camp. From there you can take in a stunning overlook…

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String of One-night Stands

String of One-Night Stands – Victim & Rebel Islands, Lopez Island, Parks Bay

The next two days included stops at Victim & Rebel Islands, Lopez Island, and Parks Bay – We like to call it a String of One-Night Stands. Usually, this means we are stopping somewhere en route to our destination. Typically, these are not marine parks, so usually no dock or mooring balls to catch, just an option to anchor off private property. There may sometimes be a beach, at low tide,  for walking dogs. On our way back to Friday Harbor, from Jones Island, we first stopped at Victim and Rebel Islands for a one-night stay on the hook. A lovely spot, providing excellent…

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Jones Island

Jones Island – Entertainment Away from the Madding Crowd

Jones Island is another Washington Marine State Park – On the recommendation of another boater, we picked Jones Island for a three-day stay, the time limit allotted to boaters at most of these marine parks. We chose the cove on the north side of the island, it’s the one with a boat dock. As luck would have it, there was space for us at the end of the dock. The benefits of having a smaller boat! We grabbed it and spent three days exploring the island and relaxing on the boat. Great trails around the west side of the island…

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Friday Harbor

Port of Friday Harbor – the Heart of the San Juan Islands

Port of Friday Harbor – Where Friday Begins – Going into the Port of Friday Harbor for a few days means several things for the crew of Kismet. Our arrival is followed by a list of chores we need to take care of while on land. Since we are usually anchoring or docking at marine parks for several weeks at a time, not only do we need to pump out and fill up the water tank, but two weeks of laundry can be quite a daunting task. Besides emptying and filling tanks, we also need to wash the boat, restock the cupboards,…

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Stuart Island

Prevost Harbor for the Holiday Weekend – Stuart Island

Fourth of July Weekend in Prevost Harbor – the San Juan Islands – We arrived at Stuart Island early in the morning, choosing Prevost Harbor over Reid Harbor for our 3-day stay. The last time we were in the San Juan Islands, we anchored in Reid Harbor. Although at that time, we anchored only one night in Prevost Harbor; it was a means to an end. We were positioning ourselves to cross the border to North Pender Island, Canada, in 2016. Poets Cove – Ranger Tugs/Cutwater Boats Cruise. As luck would have it, there was space at the dock when we arrived in the…

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Sucia Island

Kismet Visits Popular Fossil Bay on Sucia Island – San Juan Islands

Sucia Island – First Time Catching a Mooring Ball in Fossil Bay – Sucia Island, a San Juan favorite of ours, has everything I mentioned in the last post about amenities we find attractive when cruising for lengthy periods of time. The island has four anchorages; Fossil Bay, Fox Cove, Echo Bay, and Shallow Bay, where cruisers can overnight. The popular Fossil Bay has two docks and several mooring balls, or you can go, rogue, and anchor, where there is room. Over the years, we have anchored in all but Echo Bay. There are many trails for hiking on this…

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Eagle Harbor

Eagle Harbor, A Popular Spot On Cypress Island – San Juan Islands

We Picked Cypress Island as Our First Stop in the San Juan Islands – Jim and I are ready to begin our summer’s cruising adventure in the Pacific Northwest, we left Anacortes after three days of launching, provisioning, and organizing. On our first day out, we pointed Kismet’s bow toward Cypress Island, in the San Juan Islands. We have cruised the San Juan’s many times over the years, in three different boats. We have many favorite anchorages and marinas to revisit. However, as you have probably read many times on our blog; we like to mix the old favorites with…

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Kismet’s Road Trip Comes to an End in Anacortes, Washington

We afforded ourselves a two-night break near the end of Kismet's road trip to visit friends, Patti and Eric, in Sand Point, Idaho. We camped in our boat at Travel America Park and visited our friends for an amazing dinner at their cabin on Lake Pend Oreille, only a few miles away. The next night they joined us at the campground for snacks, brats, and salad. When we left Sand Point the next morning, we drove from our campground to Tulalip, WA, and spent the last night on the boat, out of the water, in a parking lot at the Tulalip…

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Trailering Kismet Across Country During Covid-19

Jim is driving, and I am writing this blog post, the first one in quite a while. We are in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, taking Route 2 west as we begin our trek to Washington State. We hope the Canadian border will open while we are out there so we can cruise up to British Columbia. Ideally, we’d like to explore more of the Broughton Islands. We missed going to Florida this year, as we were helping our son, Ross’ family move to Michigan from Portland, OR. Well worth staying home to spend five months with our daughter-in-law, Sarah, and our two…

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Jim and Lisa Favors

In Case You Missed It – As The Prop Turns

 Ranger Tugs' live webinar series, As the Prop Turns, is featuring special guest hosts, Jim and Lisa Favors. In this episode, Jim and Lisa will detail their top 5 cruising destinations in the U.S. and Canada. Stay tuned for the second in a two-part series (later this year) in which the Favors will talk about how and why they trailer their boat all over the country.

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Snowboaters Paradise – Kismet Featured in Southern Boating Magazine!

Call us Snowboaters or Boaterhomers – Using Our Boat On Land And Water! – We're certain you've heard of the term "Snow Birds." Southern Boating just coined a new boating-related term for what the crew of Kismet has been doing for over seven years. "Snowboaters!" We also like to reference our over-land adventures by saying we are "Boaterhomers." Whatever the term you use to describe what we do regularly, as a lifestyle choice, it's working for us in a big way. Using our trailerable boat as both a land vehicle and a water vessel provides us with some amazing flexibility in…

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Bell Harbor

Saving the Best for Last… Bell Harbor Marina – Seattle, Washington

PNW Operation Completed at Bell Harbor Marina – Seattle, Washington – Having concluded our mission to first… take possession of our new Ranger Tug R29S, spend a week cruising with our grandson on board, attend a fabulous Ranger Tug Rendezvous in Roche Harbor and explore South Puget Sound. All this along with returning to a few favorites in the sound and the San Juan Islands, we are winding down our end of summer and early fall, cruising time in the Pacific Northwest, with the last stop at Bell Harbor Marina in downtown Seattle, Washington. Without a doubt, we would have…

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Lunch with Huang Family

Fishermens Terminal – Food and Fun with the Huang Family

Fishermen's Terminal – Not Our Usual Marina Experience! – We had a real treat today, shortly after we arrived and docked at Fishermen's Terminal. Our good friends, Hsu-Yu, his beautiful wife, Yu-Yen, their son, their daughter, and husband, and a few grandkids, picked us up to take us for a real Chinese lunch, family style, at Din Tai Fung – University District, Seattle, WA. We first met the Huang family at a B&B in Seattle when we spent a winter in there in 2006/2007 while waiting for our Fathom 40 to be built. Hsu-Yu and Yu-Yen's daughter, Chien was living…

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Lake Washington

Going Inland – Lake Union & Lake Washington

Something Old – Lake Union, Something New – Lake Washington –  In our ongoing quest to explore new boating destinations, we scheduled a two-day stop at an anchorage in Lake Washington for our inland lakes diversion trip. We left Puget Sound for a few days before finally ending our Pacific Northwest cruising season with a stay in downtown Seattle. With this in mind we left Puget Sound and entered the Ballard Locks – time to brush up on our locking skills. Then we transited through Fremont Cut for a quick lunch break in Lake Union. Making our way to the…

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Eagle Harbor

Romance in the Air on Kismet – Eagle Harbor, Bainbridge Island, WA

Eagle Harbor Was the Perfect Backdrop for Celebrating 25 Years of Marriage! – Kismet is still hanging out in Puget Sound, across from Seattle. On this day we specifically choose Eagle Harbor for a romantic anniversary dinner and night swinging on the hook. Ever since our 2016 trip to Desolation Sound and the Broughton Islands, Jim has been promising me a romantic slow dance on the back of our boat. One night, during that trip in 2016, while anchored in Laura Cove (Desolation Sound), we observed a very romantic evening unfolding on a small sailboat off our starboard side. Long, deep…

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Blake Island

Blake Island Overlooks Seattle, Washington

Blake Island is a Marine State Park in Puget Sound, Southwest of Seattle Before we leave the Pacific Northwest to put an end to our fall boating cruise in the new Ranger Tug, we had to fit in a stop in downtown Seattle. But first, we wanted to linger and enjoy a few of our favorites in Puget Sound – Blake Island and Eagle Harbor. We also wanted to spend a few days in Lake Union and Lake Washington with a short stop at Fishermen's Terminal, on the way to Bell Harbor in Seattle, to visit with friends. Blake Island…

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Saying Goodbye is Hard to Do!

The reality of Life Does Not Stop When You Board a Boat and Take Off for Ports Unknown – The real world will eventually catch up and find us. Such is what happened during our 2017 Puget Sound cruise. My brother, Ken Targal passed away after a long battle with cancer – too soon. We took a time out and flew back to Michigan to be with family for a few days. Ken was a boater, he loved to be on the water as much as Jim and I do. We were raised on summer visits to a family cottage…

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