Blackfin Resort and Marina, Marathon, Florida, is an island paradise and a welcome slice…

Initiating More Turtles
Jim couldn’t wait to initiate Louis and Robert into the Turtle Club (below). Remember the post we made while in Tarpon Springs when Ed initiated us into the club, Turtles Inc.? So if you happen to see Louis or Robert don’t forget to ask them, “Are you a turtle?”
We had lunch with a group of boaters who are staying at Sombrero Dockside Marina. Diane and Louis, on Bella Luna (left), Phil, on Wonderland (center), Robert and Kay, on C-Life (right), and Alice, also on Wonderland (right in sunglasses).
Wade and his daughter Shauna, on Shady Lady met us one morning to pick up some charts we are lending them. Kaye and Robert, on C-Life (above-right), were just as we remembered them last time we saw them, a year ago. They’re happy to be in Marathon with their group of boating comrades. Diane and Kaye again (below).
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