Blackfin Resort and Marina, Marathon, Florida, is an island paradise and a welcome slice…

2012 MTOA Gathering in Marathon
2012 MTOA Gathering in Marathon

Another fun party in Marathon. Ken Chumley, on Mosey, organized the 2012 MTOA Gathering on the docks of Sombrero Dockside Marina (the same spot as our Tuesday night potluck a few days ago). It was a good time with lots of food and conversation.
Lorenzo (Little David), Lisa, Ellen, and Roy (Our Turn) (below) are trying to hide from the sun under that sad little palm tree at 1 Palm Tree Ct. It was a hot one but we don’t look to be suffering too much.

We also got to meet Pete Donnelly (above – member 0001 – First member of MTOA). Pete shared some of the founding ideas and early events of MTOA! He was pretty excited to be at the event and we enjoyed his recollections about the club’s beginnings.
MTOA members are big turtle fans. This is a volunteer-run organization and the more you contribute the more “turtle” pins you earn. The member (below-left) found an unusual way to display his collection of pins.
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