Blackfin Resort and Marina, Marathon, Florida, is an island paradise and a welcome slice…

Ranger Tugs, C-Dorys and Rosboroughs – Marathon, Florida
Ranger Tugs, C-Dorys, and Rosborough’s are everywhere!
The number of small trailerable boats on the east coast of the United States is growing. During the past ten years, while we’ve been extensively cruising the eastern waterways, we’ve seen this movement snowball. Ranger Tugs, C-Dorys, and Rosborough’s, and a few other, small live-aboard-type trailerable boats are everywhere. During our almost month-long stay in Marathon, we were surprised at how many “pocket trawlers” there were scattered at the marinas on the island. There is a certain amount of excitement among the boaters we’ve met recently and that of course translated into a casually organized cocktail party at Marathon Marina, where a few Ranger Tug owners were staying.
Watching the sunset on the other side of the dock before the party ended.
My friends think I am crazy about boating, and I am glad to see other folks enjoying there adventure too.