Blackfin Resort and Marina, Marathon, Florida, is an island paradise and a welcome slice…

The Biggest Sound Around
The Biggest Sound Around
Puget Sound is the second-largest estuary in the country. It was formed around 15,000 years ago by a massive glacier moving south across the area. This glacier was over 3,412 feet thick. As it moved south, it shaped the land like a giant bulldozer, carving out the basins that make up Puget Sound. Over fresh waters of 10,000 rivers and streams of the Seattle area flow into the Puget Sound creating the estuarine habitat that’s so valuable for wildlife in the sound.
Our first stop is Gig Harbor, a very unique boating destination. We’ll be attending the PNW MTOA Rendezvous at Arrabella Marina, right downtown. Then, we’ll head north towards the San Juan Islands (stops TBD). After a week or so in the San Juan’s we’ll head to Bremerton for the Ranger Tug Rendezvous followed, we hope, by a stop in downtown Seattle.
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