Blackfin Resort and Marina, Marathon, Florida, is an island paradise and a welcome slice…

Whidden’s Marina – A Family Tradition
We bypassed the newer marina in favor of tying up at the famous and historic, Whidden’s Marina. Boca Grande’s oldest marina was founded in 1926 by Sam Whidden and has been run by the Whidden family ever since. Back in the 20s, the marina was also a well-known night spot, dance hall, and restaurant. All that has changed, but not the flavor and old-fashioned hospitality of this “Old Florida” establishment. We enjoyed the old museum and gift shop (which really was another museum of sorts) and the laid-back atmosphere. It reminded us of Hoppies, in Kimswick on the Mississippi River.
I guess you could call this outdoor facility the Boater’s Lounge at Whidden’s Marina.
We got a big kick out of the outdoor shower facilities (above-right and below). We love showering outside so, for us, this was actually a treat.
These beautiful tiles were part of the outdoor shower (above).
The marina also is home to a menagerie of animals, goats, pigs, and something we never actually saw but it was very clear what it might do to us if we got too close.
The Whidden’s marina office, gift shop, and museum were a real treat. It was almost as if this gem was frozen in another time.
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