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Jim, Key West, Florida

Tropical, Eccentric Key West

Not only does it boast a colorful, tropical splendor but Key West is a little unconventional with its kooky signs and unusual, creatively painted or put-together, bikes, and vehicles.

Here is something new we saw in Key West this year. Not sure what to call it but doesn’t it look like fun?

A solar bike with storage to boot. Who would have thought?  Lots of sunshine in the Keys, so why not?

One of our favorite signs in Key West is Love Lane.

The crew on Illusions (Ranger Tug R27), Mike and Jess arrived in Key West with their friends, Ginny and Dave. Of course, this called for a night on the town, eating, walking, and shopping.

It’s rare to walk the docks of Key West at the end of the day and not see fish being cleaned and gutted. The pelicans are always in attendance to snack on the discarded scraps.


This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. ps we spend alot of time in Charlevoix, we did the trip in out Catalina 30 “Rubaiyat” only later to realize we should have taken a power boat 🙂


  2. Hey Jim and Lisa, thanks for the blogs !!! I am from Petoskey and have been following you for about 4 years. My wife and I did the east side of the loop from P town to New Smyrna. I will follow you back to Charlevoix, assuming you will be back this summer. I would love to come over and meet you two. I have a You Tube Channel with all my vids of the trip and we kept a blog too. You can just Google blowinganddrifting and plenty should pop up.

    Thanks and keepem commin, Dean Bachelor

    1. Dean, we remember talking with you a while ago. We’d love to meet you when we get home. We are looking forward to visiting Charlevoix on our boat this summer, it’s been too long. Remind us mid-June, we should have an idea when we might be up there then. Thanks for the comment.

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