Blackfin Resort and Marina, Marathon, Florida, is an island paradise and a welcome slice…

We Found a Boating Haven in Indiantown, Florida
Short Cruise Today – Transiting from South Bay Cover to Indiantown, Florida.
Leaving South Bay Cove in the morning put us with an early arrival to our day’s destination of Indiantown, Florida, located on the St. Lucie River, just off the big lake. Indiantown was established by the Seminole people as a trading Post.
On the way to our destination, we were intrigued by Slim’s riverside sign (below), too bad we didn’t have time to stop, it looked like it might be an interesting place to investigate off the river.
Finishing up the last leg of the “Rim Route” today to go through the lock and enter the St. Lucie River.
St. Lucie Lock and Dam awaited us this morning. We were the only boat locking through and, as usual, it was an easy process.
By the time we made it to Indiantown, the sun made a spectacular reappearance. Indiantown Marina looked like a peaceful haven for boaters looking to get off the water for a time.
Our neighbors at the marina were colorful and unique. This is a homeport for many and a very nice one at that. Loved how the woman on Pandemonium shaded her cockpit with a beautiful, big umbrella.
After two days on the boat, we needed to stretch our legs, so we headed toward town, we didn’t know if we’d make it there or not as it was already hot and humid at midday. Not surprisingly, we only made it to the end of the long straight road outside the marina, we could see the edge of town from there, but then turned around to head back to the boat. Look at what we happened to notice on the ground by the side of the road – if you guessed remnants of an alligator, you are right. Made us think twice about the wisdom of taking a long walk on that road.
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