It was a Colossal Road Trip — Don't Need to do That Again — Just…

Boaterhoming in Portland, Oregon
Boaterhoming in Portland, Oregon
Getting a Good Night’s Sleep While Boaterhoming in Portland, Oregon! –
We didn’t waste much time getting back to the states after our cruising adventure in the Broughton Islands (British Columbia, Canada). Our route was a fairly fast track back to the States to boaterhoming in Portland, OR. After an amazing rendezvous of Ranger Tug owners in Roche Harbor, Washington (San Juan Islands), our sights were set on trailering Kismet south, to Portland to visit our son, Ross, and his family, Sarah, Silas, and Hadley.
Since we wouldn’t have a lot of time to spend in Portland, we decided not to put the boat in the water. Instead, we opted to park in front of Ross and Sarah’s house for a few nights before we took our 3-year-old grandson boaterhoming for a few days. Ross and Sarah have a limited amount of space in their cozy home, so we thought, why not just sleep in the boat while parked out front of their house? We plugged our electric cord into the house and “voila,” we were boaterhoming in Portland. Silas has already overnighted with us on the boat at the marina. We thought he might like to see what the camping thing was all about. So, first a visit with the whole family, then off we’d go, for a camping adventure with Silas.
Boaterhoming is one of the features of trailerable trailering we love. It gives us the flexibility to travel where we want, when we want, and be creative in planning our routes and stops on our travels. Oftentimes, the options to boaterhome are free, thereby adding affordability to our cross-country cruising adventures.
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