Blackfin Resort and Marina, Marathon, Florida, is an island paradise and a welcome slice…

Passing Miami’s Shoreline on Our Way to Lake Sylvia, Florida
A sunny day on Biscayne Bay for the crew of Kismet as we left Boca Chita. We cruised straight toward Miami, then veering to the east of the towering urban area. Our destination to anchor tonight was Lake Sylvia. After spending a month in the laid-back Florida Keys, Miami’s tall buildings stood off in the distance as a stark contrast to our adjusted, and now mellow, attitudes. Our two days on the island provided closure as we prepared to leave the Keys to transition back into city life.
We’ve anchored at Lake Sylvia before. It’s minutes from Fort Lauderdale where we had reservations for a long week with family arriving in a few days. We are not keen on arriving at a marina too late in the day. Not a good dollar value, so we’ll often anchor nearby, get up early and go the final mile or two to claim our slip. This way we get the biggest bang for our buck.
This is a good anchorage. Lots of space available without feeling crowded. We settled into our selected spot and spent the night observing the boater activity in the surrounding neighborhood. Dinghies moved to and from boats or onshore excursions, and construction on houses stopped. As dusk approached, we were treated to an amazing sunset over the rooftops and palms in the harbor.
Leaving Miami behind us we made our way to Lake Sylvia for a one-night stay at anchor.
This catamaran (above) had the most beautiful periwinkle blue hull!
Holy Moses, what a sunset that was!
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