Blackfin Resort and Marina, Marathon, Florida, is an island paradise and a welcome slice…

Trailering Kismet North for Summer Cruising in Northern Michigan
Trailering Kismet North for Summer Cruising in Northern Michigan
On the Road Again! –
We were dubious about trailering Kismet back home; it was already mid-April. The temperature should be okay, right? We kept a close eye on the weather as there were serious low digits on the horizon for our hometown of Traverse City, Michigan. Ideally, we’d like to not have to winterize the boat when leaving Florida. Not looking too good as our departure day inched closer. We even stayed a couple more days, hoping not to do this chore. However, as serious blizzard conditions headed for Traverse City, our outlook seemed glum. We couldn’t wait much longer as we had a multitude of things to do at home. When a predetermined time comes to leave our winter digs, our thoughts always turn away from where we are to where we are going next. After a relaxing winter escape to Florida, Kismet was ready to go home.
Reports from friends and neighbors did not help our outlook. They told us how many inches of snow still covered the ground – a lot. There was a weather forecast for another two feet to dump on our home. So, we started the winterizing process in Florida and did the last bit in Ohio while we visited Jim’s mom.
Sure enough, the projected late spring blizzard came only days before we arrived and it took its sweet time melting. Oh well! Such is life, right? As soon as he was able, Jim took the boat to a storage lot we use. He wrapped the boat in a huge tarp and the boat sat there until we were ready to launch it for summer boating in northern Michigan.
On the way home we only used an RV park once – Ocala RV Park, in Ocala, Florida. It was a good find, we enjoyed our stay. Unfortunately, after that, it got too cold and we stayed at motels.
Jim is getting organized to do boat and house projects.
Definitely not what we like to come home to in April!
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