Blackfin Resort and Marina, Marathon, Florida, is an island paradise and a welcome slice…

Winter Cruising Begins in Anacortes, WA
Winter Cruising Begins in Anacortes, WA
Have You Ever Tried Winter Cruising?
After spending two months at home for the holidays, we returned to Portland, OR for a week to visit with family before hooking Kismet and the trailer up to the truck for the first time this year. Our immediate plan for Winter Cruising is to drive to Anacortes, Washington, on Fidalgo Island, and stay at Skyline Marina until the end of the month of January. We have reservations at the Coast Hotel and Marina in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada for the whole month of February.
Fellow Ranger Tugs owner and friend, Bob, on Nellie Too, met us when we arrived in Anacortes to help us with launching the boat at the Washington Park boat launch and storing our trailer. Bob also helped us secure dockage at Skyline Marina for our stay in Anacortes. Although we usually manage the launch by ourselves, it sure is quicker and easier when we have another person to ferry back and forth our truck and trailer after we launch the boat. Without help, we would launch the boat, then Jim would disconnect the trailer from the truck and park the trailer in the launch lot and he would drive the boat over to the marina while I drive the truck there. Later, when settled at the marina, Jim would drive back and get the trailer from the lot and park it at a predetermined place. With Bob’s help, I was able to hop on the boat with Jim because they had already driven the truck and trailer over to the marina right after the launch.
Thanks again for all your help, Bob!
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Kismet had a great spot on the dock at Skyline Marina for two weeks while we cleaned, organized, and stocked her for the trip to Victoria, BC for the beginning of our Winter Cruising.
Loved the marina facilities, especially the always warm and clean “Mermaid Lounge.” (above)
Just up from the marina sits Washington Park, we launched Kismet from there when we arrived. The park also has a beautiful, two-mile hiking trail that goes uphill through the woods, along the coastline. Fantastic views and lots of people walking the trails all the time.
Bob and his wife Nita gave us a warm welcome to their hometown and treated us royally during our stay. We felt as if we were guests, staying in their beautiful home. They made us a wonderful dinner for us near the end of our stay. Thanks again, Bob and Nita!
The view (above) from one of the parks we visited showed Guemes Channel and the turbulent water currents between the islands.
While we were out driving one day, we drove way up Mt Erie to see the view. It is one of the best scenic views around Anacortes.
Cap Sante Park sits high up to the east of downtown Anacortes, right across from Cap Sante Marina. A great view of the harbor below, especially at sunset.
Anacortes has lots of boat yards in and around town, but refining remains the area’s largest industry. The economic base now includes yacht construction/shipbuilding and tourism.
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